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Our stories

We want to see a society where everyone with mental health needs can live the life they want. Read stories from the people living and building that reality.

More stories

Read stories from people living with mental health needs and the social workers supporting them to live their lives.

  • Harris’ story

    Part of our #SocialWorkMatters campaign, Harris shares how he worked with a mental health social worker after attempting suicide.

  • Elizabeth’s story

    Part of our #SocialWorkMatters campaign, Elizabeth shares the life-changing support she received from her social worker.

  • Increasing lived experience involvement in social work

    Rebecca Regler, one of our lived experience partners, shares her experiences of increasing lived experience participation in social work.

  • Black History Month: Reclaiming Narratives

    Black History Month is an opportunity for everyone to share and celebrate the impact of black-heritage.

  • Sir Norman Lamb’s story

    Writing for our 10 year anniversary series, Sir Norman Lamb, reflects on the issues Think Ahead was created to resolve.

  • Ella and Natalie’s story

    Writing for our 10 year anniversary series, co-chief executives Ella Joseph and Natalie Acton reflect on the early years.

  • Erica’s story

    Writing for our 10 year anniversary series, Consultant Social Worker Erica discusses the humbling experience of training.

  • Oliver’s story

    Writing for our 10 year anniversary series, Oliver discusses his involvement in the lived experience movement.

  • Thea’s story

    Writing for our 10 year anniversary series, Thea reflects on her social work journey and the pride it's brought her.

  • Jacqui’s story

    Writing for our 10 year anniversary series, Jacqui reflects on how Think Ahead has transformed over the past 10 years.

  • Levi’s story

    Writing for our 10 year anniversary series, Levi shares insights from the frontline and our Board of Trustees.

  • Tom’s story

    Writing for our 10 year anniversary series, Tom shares his passion for developing the next generation of social workers.

  • Katrice’s story

    Writing for our 10 year anniversary series, Katrice reflects on the impact social workers have on people's lives.

  • Why we need more LGBTQ+ people in social work

    Kally, Saffron and Phoebe each share their perspectives on why we need more LGBTQ+ people in social work.

  • Movement and mental health – lived experience insights

    Our lived experience partners, Caroline and Lyndsay, discuss how movement and mental health relate to them.

  • How can loneliness impact mental health? We asked our Practice Specialists

    Whilst loneliness can affect everybody, it can have a significant impact on people with mental health needs. Mental health social workers can support those experiencing isolation, working to keep people connected with creative and innovative solutions.

  • “I’m proud to set an example for my children as a mental health social worker.”

    2021 trainee and Mum of two Laura shares her experience of balancing the Think Ahead programme with parenting.

  • Year one done: Ben, Izzy and Tracey’s updates

    It’s hard to imagine what it’s like training to be a mental health social worker. Learning on the job with us, you’re balancing the demands of a full-time position with academic studies. And that job isn’t just any old job. It directly affects people’s lives. It can be tough.  But time and again we hear […]

  • Meet Ben

    Ben is an ex-opera singer with two young children who is training with us in Chester.

  • Meet Izzy

    Izzy is a psychology graduate who is training with us in London.

  • Meet Tracey

    Tracey previously worked in maternity care and is training with us in Cornwall.

  • As a social worker I can help amplify the voices of the marginalised

    Irteza discusses his intersectional identity as a queer south Asian man and how he took back his voice and is helping empower others do the same.

  • Living with an eating disorder

    One of our social workers shares their experience of eating disorders and discusses the need to actively support people rather than shame them.

  • My name is Matthew and I’m bipolar

    Matthew gives an insight into his bipolar disorder and explains why living with mental health is as normal as being anyone else.

  • This is life with schizophrenia

    Mental health social worker Guy brings an insight to living with schizophrenia, with thanks to the people he’s worked with who contributed.

  • Male role models and bonding over DIY

    Only 17% of social workers are men.  We spoke with one of our Consultant Social Workers, Soyeb to explore why that needs to change.

  • Empowering people as a transgender social worker

    Alec started his journey to transition at 18. Here he reflects on the unique perspective his life experiences bring to his work.

  • Working towards living independently again

    Rafsa and Zoe share their story of working together to move from a point of crisis and slowly build a happier life.

  • Benji re-ignited the fire I had

    Richard, who experiences paranoid schizophrenia, and Benji, a Think Ahead social worker, share their experiences of working together.

  • A letter to my social worker

    An adult with mental health problems writes a letter of thanks to her mental health social worker.

  • Lauren helped me find the things that make me happy

    Lauren's support has helped Rosalind reconnect and find happiness in life again.

  • Getting back on the right track together

    Struggling with depression and anxiety, Matthew found a way forward with his mental health social worker Thea.

  • How I was helped through my psychosis

    A member of our Service User and Carer Reference Group speaks out about his experience of mental health problems.