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2023 cohort begin their training journey

A new programme has begun for our latest group of trainees. The 2023 Cohort kicked off their training journey with a day of introduction talks and teaching at the 2023 Summer Institute.

The new trainees will join NHS trusts and local authorities across the country, some joining community mental health teams, and some more specialised teams such as forensic, older adults, peri-natal and learning disability teams.

“I am looking forward to learning all of the theory and then being able to put that into practice.”

Emily, 2023 trainee

Our Chief Executive, Philippa Mariani, began the day by welcoming the cohort to their first session, saying:

“We’re all united by one common goal, which we have summed up in our vision: we want to see a well-resourced, flourishing mental health workforce as part of a society where everyone can live independent lives and achieve their own aspirations.

“Whatever your reason for being here, you’ve made a great choice. As members of our previous seven cohorts will tell you, the chance to effect change is one of the most rewarding things you can do.

“If you grasp this opportunity, you’ll be able to positively affect the lives of many people, families and communities.”

The Summer Institute is an intensive learning experience that prepare trainees for their on-the-job training at their host organisation. The five weeks of learning include a week’s residential stay at Middlesex University, the programme’s academic partner.

“If you grasp this opportunity, you’ll be able to positively affect the lives of many people, families and communities.”

Philippa Mariani, Chief Executive, speaking to our new trainees

As well as hearing from Philippa, the new cohort were welcomed by Think Ahead teams, academic staff from Middlesex University, our Service User and Carer Reference Group, and members of the Think Ahead alumni community.

Trainees were invited to share their excitement and what they were looking forward to in particular. Some of the responses included:

  • “Widening my perspective by learning about other people’s lives and circumstances.” Sharifah
  • “Looking forward to meeting people with similar values.” Chloe
  • “Being of service to my community.” Michael
  • “Learning all of the theory and then being able to put that into practice.” Emily

We look forward to supporting the new trainees during their studies, work and beyond. Make sure to keep an eye on our website, and social media pages to see how they get on.

Interested in joining us next year? Sign up to our mailing list get the first updates on next year’s application window.