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November 2023
17:30 - 18:30


Let’s talk: we need more LGBTQ+ people in social work

For those interested in the LGBT+ experience of mental health social work

We need to improve, develop and enhance the social work profession to better support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning (LGBTQ+) people.

We want to encourage applicants who can bring different perspectives to the role and want to encourage more people from the LGBTQ+ community to join the profession.

Hear from past-trainees about mental health social work, experienced mental health social workers, and people who have used mental health services.

We’ll also share some top tips on how to make the most of your application, discuss the attributes you need to become a great social worker, and where you could take your career after the programme.

Book your free place now

Event Speakers

Phoebe Hale: Practice Specialist

Phoebe joined Think Ahead in 2023 having previously worked as a Senior Social Worker in Children’s Services and with Step Up to Social Work as a Regional Practice Educator in London. Phoebe has a passion for working in a trauma-informed, relationship- focused way, centred on amplifying the voices of people using services.

She wants to continue to support trainees to become reflective, collaborative and empowering social workers for the people they support and to champion the role of Social Work in Mental Health.

Kally Hawkins: Social Worker

Kally qualified as a Social Worker through Think Ahead in 2020 (mid-pandemic!). She has recently qualified as an Approved Mental Health Professional. She has an extensive employment history in the Health and Social Care industry, including domiciliary care, hospital admin and managing NHS care teams.

She is passionate about Social Work, especially regarding LGBTQ+ communities and Neurodiversity. She is enthusiastic about the development of others in Social Work, but also in the development of the role and engaging in research.

Saffron Baldoza: Service User and Carer Reference Group member

Saffron is passionate about using her lived experience of mental health, disability and social care to make change and ensure people are supported to have every opportunity in their lives and can be independent. Saffron has a wide range of interests from arts and crafts to history to science – and lots of pop culture franchises! She loves making posters/factsheets about all the things she researches.

Having studied at Cardiff University, she now volunteers with Mind and other charities, as well as writing poetry, and for her autism advocacy blog.